Is there something on your list that you keep putting off from finishing? Has it been there for a while? What is holding you back from picking up the task with both hands and plowing through it.
For me it's preparing the final taxes for The Little Hat Company. It's putting together the necessary paperwork to put the company to bed and be ready to move on to the next thing. Actually it is what I promised myself I would be doing at this moment that I am blogging. I know that I am in limbo until I finish this task. I know with my heart that there is no room for opportunity to come knocking in my life while this company's shell still sits at my desk and I'm still taking calls about the business. Why is it so hard to let some things go and others seem to just slip away on their own?
This past weekend was the service for my Step Dad. I met David when I was in junior high and he married my mom when Aaron turned two thirteen years ago. I felt like an observer for the day. I sat back quietly and watched our families interacting with guests and old friends. I had a very surreal feeling of peace. It wasn't on purpose that I wasn't engaging with everyone I just felt good sitting still and quiet.
David came home with hospice on Tuesday and died the following Monday. I feel grateful for the opportunity to be with him and my Mom for a few days during thate week. It was an awe inspiring experience full of patience, love, and peace. I truly felt more connected to God in this time of transition than ever before in my life. I felt as though I was being given a glimpse of something bigger and better in store for us all and a message to us that ultimately in the end everything works out. David spent the three days of the time I was there in and out of lucidity. Time was spent talking about what was on t.v., who was visiting, what he could have to eat, and how much he loved my mother. Than in an instant he would be talking to my father who passed away years ago, his first wife who passed from Cancer, and my Grandmother who had also passed. He brought forward messages, most of which we had such a hard time deciphering but others that were heard loud and clear. I saw my mother for the women I truly admire and love more than any other adult in this world. I saw her for putting her needs to the side to make sure that David felt comfortable and loved during his last days on Earth. She gave him her all and he appreciated it with loving words, and fearless attitude towards leaving her.
My mom had left to grab the mail and David said to me from his hospice bed, "Jen I'm screwed". I stood up from the puzzle we had set up next to his bedside and took his hand. I laid my head on the pillow next to his and asked him what he was talking about. He told me that the Ship was leaving soon and someone would have to drag him to the dock. His legs weren't working anymore. He was right they weren't working. I said , "David I'll drag you to the dock" and then thought better about what I had just said and changed my response,"David I won't drag you to the dock, I'll carry you on my back." His response was "That's Good" and then selfishly I said to him 'anyways David you're not screwed I am."
David turned his head towards me and said "Jen you're not screwed. Everything in life is working out for you. Just give it time."
I knew in my heart that what David was saying to me was a special gift. I knew as I spent time with him and he began getting more and more visitors from the other side that he was being prepared for a very special journey and I felt nothing but peace and happiness for him to be receiving these great gifts in the near future. He knew that my Mom was being left on Earth with lots of people that love her and respect her. David knew that we would all be taking care of my mom and in those days I witnessed a faith in David that I have never seen in anyone else. He carried such an immense level of trust and faith in his situation and that was what he was trying to impart to me and all of us before he left.
David I want you to know that I heard you and I own the gift you gave me last week. I own it knowing there will always be struggle and trials but ultimately we are given everything we need to make sure that it works out in the end. I believe David and I'm forever thankful for the opportunity to experience your final moments with you and my Mom. I also learned what we think is the most important thing in our life is something that we can give up when faced with our own truth if we are accepting. Being with David at the same time The Little Hat Company came to its final day gave me amazing perspective and knowledge of what is important in my life and what I need to do for my children.
Opportunity is always just around the corner - it's just waiting for you to make room in your life in order to accept it and embrace it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Help Spread the Word - Local Economy is Booming
When you have the most fabulous idea you can't wait to share it with a friend. When you find a product that makes your life easier and even better brings a smile to your face you tell the moms at pick up and the person next to you in line at check out. When you feel as though you've been cheated or taken advantage of you tell your mom, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, and even the postman. Why is it when we've been hurt we share it with the world but when we've been helped or given a gift we tell a precious few?
I'm proposing that we make a shift in how we respond to the people and world around us. Let's take on a new challenge. When something good is said or done and we are fortunate enough to be around it let's start sharing it. It's not bragging or gloating its helping to kick off a chain reaction of good. It can start off simple and then just as we plant seeds in business, spreading the word about good things it can have a HUGE beneficial impact on local business and economies. So here's what I propose:
Take one thing that you love from a local store and or business. It has to be something you truly love and can't get enough of. Begin bringing it up in conversation with friends and neighbors who would benefit from the knowledge. Make it your project for the week to see how many people you can spread the word to in your town. This is going to be mine. I've been going to Pepperland Cafe since we started building The Little Hat Company. There are two items on the menu that I order almost every time I go there. I can't get enough of them and always get at least one other person with me to try it. This week I am going to try to spread the word to as many people that I can about Pepperland's Crab Cakes and Tres Leches Cakes. Why? Because number one - they are by far the most scrumptious things I have ever tasted in my life. Have I told you that I have eaten in Paris, LA, NYC, across the Midwest, the Western Carribean, a cruise ship or two, and still by far Pepperland's Crab Cakes and Tres Leches are my personal favorites!!
I suggest you treat yourself and after the kids go to bed, get a sitter and venture down to Pepperland's for a piece of cake. Bring your husband/wife and while enjoying the creamy, moist, delicious cake with fresh berry ask them how their day was.
I can't wait to hear through the grapevine what your most favorite product or service is in South Berwick, Maine.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Decide what really matters the most to you.
Sometimes it takes a twist of fate or sudden unexpected change to challenge our beliefs about what really matters the most to us. It is easy to get caught up in the flow of life with those around you. But every once in a while drop anchor and take a good look around you. Take yourself out of the race for a day and look inward to question if you are where you really want to be. A start up company can catch on fire like dry timber and easily grow out of control. Make sure that you are a part of the journey and not just along for the ride. Stop, listen, and ask questions mostly of yourself and your family. Make sure that your dream is developing into the future that you have set yourself on.
When the exciting becomes mundane, when the thrilling becomes chilling, and the extraordinary becomes everyday you might have gotten side stepped along the way. Life is supposed to be about your individual journey and what ignites your creative drive and feeling of peacefulness. We've been given the perfect guide to make sure we don't get lost along the way. Your body will tell you all too well if you've taken a wrong turn. Listen to it and make an adjustment to get back to where you know you should be.
My senior quote in our Robert Traip Academy Yearbook was 'when life gives you lemons - make lemonade'. I had recently forgotten how that felt to create something good from turmoil. I had been preparing my whole life for lemons, one thing after another and somewhere in all the positive energy of The Little Hat Company I had forgotten how to look beyond the current situation and navigate through it and into a better place. It took a loss of someone close to remind me that it is our story we write not our neighbors', friends', family's, or anyone else's. There are very few things in life that really matter when you come right down to it. Watching my step dad fade away reminded me so deeply of this. It is just money, another opportunity is just around the corner, but the ones you love and care about only come around once on this planet. You are the only one who holds your dream inside and you are the only one who truly knows what matters most to you- keep guard and never let go. Others will share it only for a while but you will hold onto it for a lifetime.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Why aren't you following your dreams?
My mom often tells people that I'm missing a common gene that everyone else has - the gene to think before you leap. She doesn't understand how I keep starting businesses without being fearful of the risks involved. When I get a new idea for a business it starts welling up inside of me. It's like this creative frenzy of energy that just keeps swirling around and around waiting for me to do something about it. I often get agitated in the sense that I can't keep my focus on anything except for things pertaining to this new idea or thought until I take action.
With Oliver Grace Cookie Business this energy consumed me until I baked a huge platter of my peanut butter cookies and brought them down to the Muddy River in Eliot, Maine. From there I found myself baking around the clock for professionals and catered events. My cookies were even sold at Flo's Hot Dogs in Cape Neddick, Maine. The only way I can describe this energy I get is like a static sensation that starts in my heart and shoots out to my arms and legs. Call me crazy but it has been happening to me since I was little. My mom remembers the time I organized a carnival for MD in Spofford, New Hampshire. I had organized a whole slew of activities and white elephant tables for our small village population under 1000 people. I think the event raised $62.00.
The Little Hat Company came about with the same type of frenzy. I was tired, frustrated, and cranky. I wanted a very specific sun hat for my new baby Elizabeth and I wasn't finding it. I pulled into Joanne Fabric's and the rest is history.
People often tell me about their dreams of starting a business or venture and they get this glimmer in their eyes, just like a child and then they talk to me about all the reasons of why they can't do it now. I get it. It's hard to put what you know on hold and to embrace a future with millions and zillions of possible outcomes. But here's the thing and I feel as though I can speak honestly about this because I am in the middle of what people would not think as a positive outcome.
EVERY outcome is good. If you put yourself out there and begin planting seeds for your dream then everything that happens to you and around you is a gift. This was a hard thing to realize and to own at first. When The Little Hat Company was taking off at light speed, we were riding this unbelievable high. We felt like teenagers - no mortality. We thought we could take on anything. Looking back there was little that we were learning about ourselves and our business, we were in the accepting phase. Which is good. It lead us on some amazing journeys. Being open to gifts and opportunities that come your way put you where you need to be. It also puts you in touch with some of the most amazing people on this planet. Always be open to opportunity and what is brought to you - learn to embrace yes.
When challenges come and they will come realize that this struggle is where you will learn the most about yourself and your business. It will also let you know who you work the best with and the level of trust that you will build when working with someone through a difficult situation is indescribable.
One thing that I learned is that it is so important to have a game plan from the beginning. Not necessarily a business plan (although you'll need that too) but a game plan stating what you are expecting to accomplish or gain from putting yourself out there while you build a new business or venture. State it in plain English, "What am I expecting to get out of this adventure and more importantly what am I willing to give up and give out"
You are given your dreams for a reason. The scary part is that you may never know the real reason for your gifts. You could possibly be affecting people in ways that you will never find out about. That is okay! If you follow your dreams and use your gifts and talents in doing so - anything is possible and you will be okay. You will be better than okay you will be satisfied to know that at the end of the day you left nothing on the table. You took up your own destiny with both hands and said "Yes". Own your dreams and follow your destiny - you will know when you are on the right path. You will have a sense of clarity and ease and things will come out of the blue when you need them.
Road blocks and hurdles are put in front of us for a reason. Sometimes we are meant to jump over and others it's time to take another path. Just keep moving towards your dream even when its not so much fun.
With Oliver Grace Cookie Business this energy consumed me until I baked a huge platter of my peanut butter cookies and brought them down to the Muddy River in Eliot, Maine. From there I found myself baking around the clock for professionals and catered events. My cookies were even sold at Flo's Hot Dogs in Cape Neddick, Maine. The only way I can describe this energy I get is like a static sensation that starts in my heart and shoots out to my arms and legs. Call me crazy but it has been happening to me since I was little. My mom remembers the time I organized a carnival for MD in Spofford, New Hampshire. I had organized a whole slew of activities and white elephant tables for our small village population under 1000 people. I think the event raised $62.00.
The Little Hat Company came about with the same type of frenzy. I was tired, frustrated, and cranky. I wanted a very specific sun hat for my new baby Elizabeth and I wasn't finding it. I pulled into Joanne Fabric's and the rest is history.
People often tell me about their dreams of starting a business or venture and they get this glimmer in their eyes, just like a child and then they talk to me about all the reasons of why they can't do it now. I get it. It's hard to put what you know on hold and to embrace a future with millions and zillions of possible outcomes. But here's the thing and I feel as though I can speak honestly about this because I am in the middle of what people would not think as a positive outcome.
EVERY outcome is good. If you put yourself out there and begin planting seeds for your dream then everything that happens to you and around you is a gift. This was a hard thing to realize and to own at first. When The Little Hat Company was taking off at light speed, we were riding this unbelievable high. We felt like teenagers - no mortality. We thought we could take on anything. Looking back there was little that we were learning about ourselves and our business, we were in the accepting phase. Which is good. It lead us on some amazing journeys. Being open to gifts and opportunities that come your way put you where you need to be. It also puts you in touch with some of the most amazing people on this planet. Always be open to opportunity and what is brought to you - learn to embrace yes.
When challenges come and they will come realize that this struggle is where you will learn the most about yourself and your business. It will also let you know who you work the best with and the level of trust that you will build when working with someone through a difficult situation is indescribable.
One thing that I learned is that it is so important to have a game plan from the beginning. Not necessarily a business plan (although you'll need that too) but a game plan stating what you are expecting to accomplish or gain from putting yourself out there while you build a new business or venture. State it in plain English, "What am I expecting to get out of this adventure and more importantly what am I willing to give up and give out"
You are given your dreams for a reason. The scary part is that you may never know the real reason for your gifts. You could possibly be affecting people in ways that you will never find out about. That is okay! If you follow your dreams and use your gifts and talents in doing so - anything is possible and you will be okay. You will be better than okay you will be satisfied to know that at the end of the day you left nothing on the table. You took up your own destiny with both hands and said "Yes". Own your dreams and follow your destiny - you will know when you are on the right path. You will have a sense of clarity and ease and things will come out of the blue when you need them.
Road blocks and hurdles are put in front of us for a reason. Sometimes we are meant to jump over and others it's time to take another path. Just keep moving towards your dream even when its not so much fun.
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